Puppy training Timeline By Age

Every puppy is different, even within the same breed or the same litter.

The main thing to keep in mind with training is you go at your puppy’s own pace.

That pace will be different for each of us. So take this post for what it’s worth; these are just my opinions. I wanted to write this post to give new puppy owners a general idea for a puppy training timeline.

I have a new lab puppy myself. He’s about 5.5 months old at the time of this writing. So I’ll share some certain examples with my own puppy.

This is a long article, so feel complimentary to jump ahead to the section you need.

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What age is best to start training a puppy?

Puppy training timeline: 0 to 7 weeks

Puppy training timeline by age: 8 to 12 weeks

Puppy potty training

Puppy chewing and biting at 8 weeks old

Puppy training checklist for 8 week old puppy:

What commands must a 10 week old puppy know?

Age of puppy concern periods

Puppy training timeline by age: 3 to 5 months

What to work on with your 12 week old puppy:

Should you take a puppy to a pet dog park?

Basic obedience cues for a 3 to 5 month old puppy:

Puppy training schedule 6 months old

Basic obedience classes for puppies

Longer walks and hikes for older puppies

Puppy training timeline 8 months to 12 months

How long does it take to train a puppy?

What age is best to start training a puppy?

Puppy training is ongoing and your puppy will always be learning.

You must start with some basic training ideal away when you get your puppy.

But keep in mind that “obedience commands” like sit and down are actually the least crucial things to be working on ideal away. Those are easy to show and, sure, you can introduce them now if you want.

But what’s a lot more crucial at first, and a lot more difficult, is:

kennel training
getting your puppy used to a new routine/structure

*If you just got a new puppy, download my complimentary puppy training guide. Klikk her

My lab puppy at 13 weeks old

Puppy training timeline: 0 to 7 weeks

At this point, puppies will be learning from their mom, litter mates, environment and breeder (or other people such as shelter staff).

These early weeks are very crucial for a puppy’s mental development.

A good breeder will be working on socializing the puppies to all sorts of different objects, sights, smells and sounds once they are about 4 weeks old. Some follow a program called “Puppy Culture” but others have their own methods that also work well.

The puppies must get used to being handled and meet lots of different people of different ages, get time to play outside in the dirt and grass, walk on different surfaces and interact with a variety of toys.

So much is out of our control for those first 7 weeks, which is why I can’t anxiety enough the value of finding a knowledgeable, good breeder.

Puppy training timeline by age: 8 to 12 weeks

Most puppies will be heading to their new families between 7 and 10 weeks old. Do not bring a puppy home before she is 7 weeks old unless you have no choice, such as if the mother has died or you have to get the puppy out of a bad living situation.

Good breeders and shelters will not send puppies to their new homes until they are at least 7 weeks old.

During these first few days and weeks with your new puppy, you must begin working on:

Grunnleggende regler
Kennel training
Getting used to a leash and collar or harness
Getting into a regular routine/schedule

Puppy potty training

Your puppy will probably have several potty accidents during this time. Do your best to take her outside at least every 45 minutes when she is not in her kennel. Do not expect your puppy to ask to go outside at this point or to ring a bell. just take her out.

My lab puppy Rip also needed a 3 a.m. potty break until he was 12 weeks old, which got really old! but your puppy may not need this. Every puppy is different.

See my article: My puppy’s first night home

My puppy Rip! (8 weeks old)

Puppy chewing and biting at 8 weeks old

Your puppy will likely be trying to chew everything and bite at your hands and clothes at this age.

This is normal puppy behavior and might get worse in the next few months when your puppy starts getting her adult teeth. Do your best to redirect your puppy’s attention to a toy or bully stick and not to engage with her when she’s biting at you.

Puppy training checklist for 8 week old puppy:

Riding in the car
Visiting the vet
Meeting lots of new people and dogs
Playdates with other puppies eller hunder
Korte turer i nabolaget ditt
Enkel børsting og klipp noen nagler
Muligens starte valp trening klasser, hvis tilgjengelig
Blir igjen alene

Du vil gjøre mye med valpen din i løpet av de første ukene. Sosialisering er så viktig i løpet av denne tiden. Sakte og trygt introdusere valpen din til så mange mennesker og hunder som mulig.

Hvilke kommandoer må en 10 ukers gammel valp vet?

Hans eller hennes navn
Et markørord som “bra!” eller “ja!”
“Nei” å markere uønsket oppførsel

* Hvis du nettopp har en ny valp, last ned min gratis valpstreningsguide. Klikk her

Age of Puppy Concern Perioder

Legg merke til at valper normalt går gjennom en “fryktperiode” rundt 10 uker gammel, den nøyaktige alderen er forskjellig for hver valp. Spør valpens oppdretter om dette hvis du har spørsmål.

Under en “fryktperiode” kan valpen din virke mye mer redd eller forsiktig med nye ting enn hun vanligvis ville. Dette er normalt. Hvis du merker dette, bare ikke tvinge noe. La deg valpere sjekke ut i sitt eget tempo. Prøv igjen om noen dager hvis hun virker overveldet eller redd.

Du kan også aldri merke en “fryktperiode”, og det er også bra. Jeg har aldri observert en bekymringsperiode med min lab valp.

Valp Training Tidslinje etter alder: 3 til 5 måneder

I løpet av dette stadiet må du fortsette å jobbe på alt påpekte ovenfor. Å være konsistent og stikker til en rutine er nøkkelen!

Hvis du bare har valpen din på 3 eller 4 måneder, begynner du å jobbe med alt som allerede er oppgitt, spesielt sosialisering.

Han gjør sannsynligvis mye tygging og biter i denne alderen, og det er normalt! Hold ut.

På 3 til 5 måneder er valp potty trening fortsatt et arbeid pågår for mange valper.

Med ca 12 uker, forhåpentligvis må valpen være i stand til å holde den gjennom natten. Hvis ikke, må han være i stand til å holde det veldig snart.

I løpet av dagen er det normalt hvis valpen din fortsatt har ulykker på 4 måneder gammel. Gruven var sikkert. Bare prøv å være bedre å ta henne ut mye oftere.

Min lab valp, rip, syntes å være ganske mye potty trent av 5 måneder gammel. Vi gjorde fortsatt et poeng å ta ham utenfor minst hver 2 timer. Det føltes som om det tok for alltid å komme til dette punktet, så vær tålmodig.

Hva å jobbe med med din 12 ukers gammel valp:

Etablere rutiner
Potty Training & Kennel Training
Massevis av administrerende paws, ører, nese, hale
Bil rides
Nail trims og grooming
Masse sosialisering
Start Puppy Training Classes
Potensielt valp barnehage, hvis du vil
Playdates med andre valper eller hunder
Lengre går rundt i nabolaget
Bli vant til å bli igjen alene i noen timer
Hold deg til konsistente retningslinjer som å ignorere hopping
Hold deg til politikk om hvis valpen din er tillatt på møbler eller ikke

Skal du ta en valp til en Pet Dog Park?

De fleste valper vil ha alle sine skudd når de er rundt 4 måneder gamle. Dette er en tid da mange mennesker er komfortable å bringe sin valp ut og om mye flere offentlige parker og stier.

Du kan vurdere en Pet Dog Park i stille tider, men jeg er personlig ganske hesitant om Pet Dog Parks. Pet Dog Parks kan være ganske overveldende for en valp, og det siste jeg vil gjøre er å skremme min valp eller ha en større kjæledyrhund skadet ham.

Min valp er ganske trygg, skjønt, så jeg kan ta ham til en kjæledyrhundpark på en ukedag morgen en gang snart. Vi er heldige å ha mange store, åpne kjæledyrhunderparker i vårt område med stier og mye plass.

Rips første sti gange, 12 uker gammel

Grunnleggende lydighetsanaler for en 3 til 5 måneder gammel valp:

Sitt, ned og kom
Opphold (i noen sekunder)
Lær en release cue som “ok!” eller “pause!”
“Drop” elementer for en godbit (handel med valpen din)
Prøv å spille henting
“Trading” verdsatt leker og bein for enda bedre godbiter! (for å stoppe ressursbeskyttelse)

* Hvis du nettopp har en ny valp, last ned min gratis valpstreningsguide. Klikk her

Puppy Training Schedule 6 måneder gammel

Hvis du ikke har jobbet med grunnleggende lydighetsa, er det nå en avgjørende tid til å virkelig jobbe med disse.

De fleste valper vil begynne å føle seg mye mer selvsikker og uavhengige rundt denne alderen. De vil begynne å presse grensene! Du kan merke at valpen din begynner å føle deg mye mer modig når du er ute og om, for eksempel.

Prøv å tilbringe minst 5 minutter om dagen på å jobbe med ting som sitte, ned, bli og komme.

Dette er også en god tid å begynne å introdusere noen “løs-leash” -opplæring eller hælarbeid.

Grunnleggende lydighetsklasser for valper

Lydighetsklasser eller arbeid med en trener en-mot-man kan være så nyttig i løpet av denne tiden. Selv om jeg liker å tro at jeg vet what I’m doing, I find that classes hold me accountable and force me to practice more!

I highly recommend you take your puppy to basic obedience classes through at least the first year of age.

In addition, if you are thinking about doing any type of pet dog sports with your pet dog such as agility, hunting, nosework or rally, you could look into some foundation classes for these sports around this time.

It’s also ok to wait a few a lot more months while you establish a lot more of a foundation in obedience training.

Longer walks and hikes for older puppies

You can certainly start taking your puppy for longer walks and hikes around 6 months. I recommend talking with your vet if you’re anxious about how far your puppy can go. It’s additionally than some people think! As long as you’re not forcing it.

A hike with my puppy Remy at 10 months old or so

Puppy training timeline 8 months to 12 months

Now is that challenging time where your pup might be starting to look like an adult but still has the mental immaturity of a puppy. This is a tough age as they have a ton of energy and are not terrified to push the boundaries.

If you’re having any issues with behavior, I highly recommend you hire a trainer at this time. A one-on-one trainer to come visit your home can be very valuable, even just one or two sessions.

If you’re planning to do agility or dock diving, it’s likely ok to start the training classes now.

How long does it take to train a puppy?

Training is ongoing!

And, training occurs at you and your dog’s own pace. Every pet dog is different and we’re all taking care of our own life time constraints and struggles.

So, try not to compare your pet dog to any individual else’s or to previous dogs you’ve had.

My weimaraner and my lab could not be any a lot more different as far as energy or having issues with opposite things.

For example, my weim never had an accident in his kennel and slept 8 hours a night immediately. My Lab? He needed a 3am potty break for a whole month and had accidents in his kennel several times!

As another example, my weim was going for 3-mile walks a day by about 10 weeks old. He would’ve gone additionally and was never tired.

My Lab? seems fine with just 1 mile a day and doesn’t care if we skip the walk entirely.

So, they are all so different. Breed matters, of course, but so does the individual dog’s personality and background.

*If you just got a new puppy, download my complimentary puppy training guide. Klikk her

See all of our puppy training ideas here!

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